About Us
General Information
THANK YOU for visiting Southeast Fountain School Corporation's web site. Our web site aims to provide desirable information for visitors, the local community, school staff, and students.
Located in a rural Indiana setting, you will find that Southeast Fountain School Corporation is a well balanced, vibrant educational system full of K-12 curricular and extra-curricular opportunities. We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions.
- Normal school hours are from 8:00am to 3:05pm, Monday thru Friday.
- Every Wednesday runs on a 50 minute delay schedule to accommodate for staff PLC time (Professional Learning Community).
- All building visitors are required to sign-in and obtain a visitors pass in the main offices during normal school hours. Be sure to return your visitors pass and sign-out before you leave.
- The high school, elementary, and central office each have main office secretaries that can answer questions or direct you to an appropriate staff member who can.
- Guidance counselors are available in each school building to answer curricular questions.
- An activities/athletic director is available at the high school to answer extra-curricular questions.
- If you would like to visit a classroom, please make arrangements in advance. There are times, such as testing, that would not be good to visit.
- If you would like to schedule a conference or meeting with a teacher, principal, or staff member, please schedule in advance.
- Teachers will not be taken from their classes for unscheduled conferences or meetings.
School History
The Indiana State Legislature, in the late 1950's and very early 1960's, made it possible for the consolidation of smaller schools thereby enabling the possibility of better education for the students. The Fountain County Circuit Judge appointed a Committee to make a study and recommendations for the schools of Fountain County. Hearings were held and it was decided to have three district schools, abolishing the concept of a County Superintendent with principals at each school and being hired and regulated by the local elected Township Trustees. One district was to continue at Attica with the students from the northern part of the county to attend there. Another district from the western part of the county was to be schooled in the Covington area. The third district was to be made up of five townships in the central, eastern and southern parts of the county. There were school board elections and the first official board of meeting of SEFCO was in January, 1962. The local schools were to continue in their present capacity until such a time that a new school could be built. A holding corporation was selected to finance the building of a new junior-senior high school. A cumulative building fund was established and architects were hired.
Petitions were carried to school patrons for signing, thereby permitting the building of the new school. In 1963, land was purchased (80 acres) as near as possible to the geographic center of the five township area; this being north of Highway 136 about a mile east of Highway 41. There was some student exchanging among the schools for a time. A ground breaking ceremony was held August 2, 1964, with the new facility being opened in the fall of 1965, complete with cafetorium and gymnasium. The upper six grades attended this new Fountain Central with grade schools being retained in Veedersburg, Newtown and Kingman. Athletic fields and workshop buildings were added at later dates.
In October, 1969, architects were hired for a new elementary school. Bids were let October, 1970, for the building to be located northeast of the high school. In the fall of 1972, the new grade school was opened with the abandonment of the local grade school buildings. In November, 1975, it was decided to build a swimming pool and physical education facility to be attached to the high school. This was constructed in 1976-1977. In March, 1977, bids were accepted for a new administrative office and this was built on the school grounds during the same year.

Architect's drawing of Southeast Fountain Elementary School.
SEFSC Five Year Strategic Plan
During the 2022-2023 school year Southeast Fountain's administration, school board, staff and community worked on drafting a five year strategic plan to focus the future of the Corporation.

School Zone Speed Limit on School Days
Southeast Fountain School Corporation has a School Zone that is enforced on all school days for the buses and the higher frequency of student drivers and staff turning in during those times.